Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fantasy World

What if the world was not a sphere but instead a donut?  This article answers some of those questions.  And the possibilities sound really interesting.

Obviously, the author thought so.  His 'Summary' is this:

"Torus-worlds are unlikely to exist naturally. But if they did, they would make awesome places for adventure. A large surface area. Regions with very different climate, seasons, gravity and ecosystems. Awesome skies on the interior surface. Dramatic weather. Moons in strange orbits."

To be honest, when I think about this for use in fantasy gaming, I'm not sure that the player characters would ever have reason to know what the shape of their world was.  It wouldn't matter to them (unless it was a Spelljammer type campaign) OR the world would seem flat to them, just like another world that we all know pretty well.

But for that brand of DM/GM who likes to know why things are the way they are in his or her world, a torus-world would allow crazy climates, strange (to us) night-day patterns, a very interesting sky with bizarre moon motions, among other things.  It would truly seem fantastic, AND the DM could explain it all.

Friday, February 27, 2015

The LONG Hiatus

It has been over a year since I posted last.  I know that I was never a prolific poster, but that is shocking to me.

But I guess an international move, a new place, a new job, and LOTS of time away from home will do that.  I'm going to try to get back into some posting, although to be honest, this next year is going to look a lot like this past year.

A lot has happened in the last year, the least of which is that 5E was released.  (As if you didn't know that...)

I got the three core books for Christmas and have read through them.  I have to say that, for the most part, I like the ruleset.  Even better, my eleven-year old wanted to play with me.  (Not so much for the eight year old.)  So we rolled-up a character for her and have played a few sessions.

Those two topics alone (5E and playing with my oldest child) are material for posts aplenty.  Of course, there is all sorts of mapping goodness to talk about.  There always is.

And I have a couple of projects in the hopper that might be worth talking about at some point.  The original purpose of this blog WAS to promote The Fantasy Cartographic, my very small publishing outfit.

I guess that's enough babbling for now.  Hopefully, future posts will be most interesting.